Fish skin brings prosperity and happiness to the house in everything. The one who can extract it properly will not know distress and grief. Fish scales look like little coins for a reason: in nature, one is attracted to the other. It is only important to properly hide this talisman, otherwise all its magical power can disappear.
It is very important to know that only certain parts of the fish have magical properties. You shouldn't completely dry the poor thing and hang it around your neck in hopes that this will keep you out of trouble. So that the fish can help you, its scales are enough. Only the scales should be very large, for example the scales of a carp or a mirror carp.
These scales look like small coins, and this is precisely what the magical property of the fish is related to: it attracts money, and not just coins. If you activate this talisman correctly, no matter how much you spend, there will never be problems with money in your house. Of course, money will not appear out of nowhere, here, unfortunately, all talismans are powerless. But if there are working people in the household, then, most likely, they will open new horizons in the labor market, or there will be an opportunity to earn good money in their free time. However, one should not count on winning the lottery or a large inheritance, nature only helps those who work.
To activate the fish scales, you'll need a handful of silver (or other white alloy) coins. It is important to ensure that the coins are an odd number, the same principle applies here as with flowers: an even number is appropriate at a funeral and if you wish to preserve your financial well-being, you are welcome to use an odd numberof coins.
Coins must be laid out on a smooth surface, and 7 scales should be placed on each of the coins. Cover them with a black cloth (careful not to let them move), tell the scale:
"You used to protect fish (that's the name of the fish) from diseases, and now you have new friends - coins. You love them, protect them from all troubles and invite them to visit them as often as possible so as not to forget each other.
At night you can leave coins with scales in the kitchen so that they "make friends". In the morning remove the scales, fold neatly into a small bag and put in a drawer (ceramic jar) in the kitchen. It is very important, the bag is notto tie with a scale, otherwise the scale will not be able to receive guests. The bag should be made of soft, preferably natural fabric, so that the scale feels cozy and comfortable and can receive many guests. The first 3 days leave the box open, after which it can be closed.
And the coins on which the scales lay must be spent on the same day, so that they can visit your scales from strangers' houses. And if you hit a big win, be sure to bring new coins to visit your scale. Pack 3 things in a bag at night and take the coins with you in the morning. You will see, your financial affairs will be much better with the arrival of this power object in your home!
Fish scales only go well with things made of natural materials. Therefore, they must be kept in cloth bags, earthenware, wooden boxes and caskets. It is impossible to hold a talisman in an open fire, and it is also impossible to get it wet.
fruit stones
Take apricots, peaches, plums, or other large fruit pits. Their number must inevitably be a multiple of 3, because it is not a single bone that has a magical effect, but their trinity. They must be dried thoroughly: a stone removed from a freshly eaten fruit will not work.
Look for a dark cardboard box, although a wooden one will do. It is important that the color is dark. Inside, for greater effect, you can put a piece of velvet fabric, so that the money that comes to visit is comfortable.
To activate them, you must first take a bone from each trinity, then drop a drop of honey on each one, then put it in your wallet with spare change to make the money stick to the bones. So you have to go through the day, then get the bones, rinse them with running water 7 times and put them back in the box. Now the money sticks to the owner of the wallet as if smeared with honey.
A box of bones, like a bag of fish scales, should be kept open for 3 days and then closed and stored in a secluded place in the kitchen.
dry leaves
You can also use dried tree leaves. You need to take green or yellow leaves from deciduous trees. They must be wiped off with water from the church and then placed between the pages of the book.
Please note that the book should be as positive as possible and only bring good things to people. Children's fairy tales, a cookbook or a home encyclopedia will do. Calculate the number of pages so that there is an equal number between two sheets. Place each sheet between the pages very carefully so that everyone understands their importance and special role. The more careful you are with the leaves, the more careful you are with the money, and the more they reach you.
Place this book on the top shelf of your bookshelf to minimize borrowing. Now this book becomes the key to your well-being. A year later, you need to put 7 more leaves in the book, without disturbing the old, already dried leaves.
Foreign coins and banknotes
There is another way to attract money into the house. This option is suitable for those who travel a lot around the world or have familiar travelers. You need 7 coins or banknotes of foreign origin, all of which must be from different countries. They must be folded into a clean envelope (no stamps) and write in black on the envelope: "So-and-so (your name) for luck and good luck. "You have to keep the envelope under the pillow you sleep on for 3 nights and then seal it and put it in some kind of hiding place. There is no specific recipe here, it just has to be a place that only you know.